Pradesh Loksewa aayog syllabus :- 4th Level

Mahila Bikash Syllabus :- Check here
Technical Post Syllabus check here
Prashasan/Samanya prasashan/ Accountant
First Paper :- 100 marks Objective Gk Question
Second Paper :- 100 Marks :- Subjective, Contemporary issue
Third Paper :- 100 Marks :- (Personnel Administration & Office Management)
General Mental Ability Test (GMAT) 30 Marks
General Mental Ability Test is generally consists of the following subtests: Verbal Reasoning, Quantitative (Numerical) Reasoning, and Non-verbal Reasoning.
2.1 Verbal reasoning test includes questions on comprehension, vocabulary, series, analogy, classification, coding-decoding, direction and distance sense test, logical reasoning, ranking order, induction, deduction, etc.
2.2 Quantitative (Numerical) reasoning test includes questions on series (sequence), analogy, classification, coding, insert the missing character, common property, matrices, data interpretation, data checking, arithmetical reasoning / operation, etc.
2.3 Non-verbal reasoning test includes questions on series, analogy, symmetry, classification, analytical reasoning, venn diagrams, matrices, construction of squares and triangles, and figure formation and analysis, etc.
Note:- The nature and standard of questions in General Mental Ability Test will be such that an educated Class X level person will be able to answer them without any specialized study. Focus will be on testing a candidate’s ability to think logically on the basis of a set of rules and analyze situations using common sense. It will reflect the candidates’ ability to analyse than ability to memories.
1. This syllabus is divided into two parts: written test (first stage and second stage) and final stage (computer skill test and interview) for all groups of non-technical administration services on the basis of joint and integrated examination system.
2. The subject matter of the first, second and third letters / subjects will be the same and mandatory for all the groups mentioned above in the administration service future.
3. The medium of written examination will be Nepali or English or both Nepali and English.
4. In case of incorrect answer of multiple choice letters, 20 percent will be deducted for the answer. But if the answer is not given, the organ will not be given and the ah will not be cut.
5. There will be no use of any type of calculator in the examination of multiple choice papers.
6. No electronic devices including mobiles, smart watches and other electric devices will be allowed to be used in the examination.
7. The number of questions to be asked in the examination, marks and gratitude will be as prescribed in this lesson.
8. There will be separate answer booklets for each section of the subject / subject which will be thematic papers. The examinee will have to write the answer of the papers of each section in the answer sheet of the same part / section / unit.
9. Regardless of what is written in the syllabus / subject matter of this syllabus plan, remember that the laws, acts, rules and policies in the syllabus are maintained 3 months before the date of examination (amended or amended, removed or further amended).
10. Only candidates selected from the first stage written examination will be included in the second stage written examination.
11. The result of the written examination will be published on the basis of 100% marks obtained in the first phase of the written examination and the total marks of the second phase.
12. Only candidates selected in the written test will be included in the final stage of computer skills test and interview.
13. The final results will be published on the basis of the total number of written test and final stage computer skill test and interview.
14. Course Application Date: 2077.7.27