Bagmati Pradesh Loksewa aayog syllabus for Technical Post
Bagmati Pradesh Loksewa aayog Public Service (Commission) has published the syllabus for technical posts.
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A) . Structure and functions of the different systems and organs
1. Skeletal System
2. Muscular System
3. Digestive System
4. Circulatory System
5. Urinary System
6. Nervous System
7. Respiratory System
8. Endocrine System
9. Sensory Organs
10. Reproductive system
11. Lymphatic system
B). Fundamental of Nursing
1. History of Nursing in Nepal
2. Hospital: Types, functions
3. Professional organizations
a. International Council of Nursing (ICN)
b. Nepal Nursing Council(NNC)
c. Nursing Association of Nepal (NAN)
4. Maslow’s hierarchy of basic need
5. Stress and coping strategies
6. The Nursing Process, steps
7. Admission and Discharge from the Hospital
8. Promoting Comfort, Rest &Sleep, Bed making and positioning
9. Meeting Personal Hygiene Needs
10. Meeting Safety Needs: Safe environment, protective measures and turning and moving a
client with impaired mobility
11. Meeting Nutritional Needs
12. Fluid and Electrolyte balance
13. Maintaining intake & output
14. Caring clients with IV infusion
15. Infection prevention/ sterilization
16. Exercises: Active and passive, deep breathing and coughing
17. Hot and Cold application: Introduction, purposes, indication and methods.
18. Administration of Drugs: Rules, Routes and Nursing responsibilities
19. Pre and post operative care.
20. First aid Treatments: Definition, principle, qualities of good first aider and first aid
management of different conditions
21. Care of the dead body
C) Reproductive Health (RH) and Nursing Care of Children
1. Reproductive Health: Components of RH
2. Family Planning: Temporary, permanent and natural methods
3. Maternal and Child Health
4. Immunization:
a. Immunization schedule and procedure
b. Vaccine preventable diseases
c. Maintenance of vaccine potentiality, cold chain
5. Growth and Development of Children from Infancy to School age
6. Factors influencing growth and development
7. Changes in Adolescent period: Physical, physiological, psychological & emotional.
8. Community Based Integrated Management Neonatal and Childhood Illness (CB-IMNCI)
D) Midwifery
1. Antenatal care (ANC)
1.1 Midwifery : Introduction, and history
1.2 Pelvis and pelvic floor
1.3 Fetal skull
1.4 Fetal and placental development
1.5 Fetal circulation
1.6 Function of placenta
1.7 Physiological changes during pregnancy
1.8 Diagnosis of pregnancy
1.9 Assessment of the pregnant women
1.10 Minor and Major disorders during pregnancy and their management
1.11 High risk factors during pregnancy and their management
1.12 Health teaching during antenatal visit
2 Intranatal Care ( Labour)
2.1 Labour: signs & symptoms, causes of onset of labour
2.2 Admission of women in labour
2.3 Maternal and fetal distress and their management
2.4 Partograph
2.5 Episiotomy and its repairment
2.6 Examination of birth canal, placenta and membrane
2.7 Immediate newborn care
2.8 Examination of newborn, Complication of third stage of labour and its
3 Postnatal care
3.1 Definition, Principles and purpose of postnatal care
3.2 Post natal assessment of mother and new born, postnatal visit
3.3 Minor disorders of mother and newborn during puerperium and their
3.4 Birth Injuries
E) Community Health Nursing
1. Determinants of health, Mode of Disease Transmission
2. communicable diseases and non-communicable diseases
3. Primary health care (PHC) : Principles and element
4. Excreta disposal: Importance, methods of disposal and types of latrines
5. Solid waste disposal: classification and method of disposal in community and health
6. Water pollution, methods of purification of water in small and large scale
7. Air pollution: sources of air pollution, prevention
8. Health hazard due to environment pollution
9. Noise pollution and its effects on health
10. Epidemiological triad: Agent, host and environment
11. Community diagnosis : Importance and Process of community diagnosis
12. Anthropometrical measurement: Height, Weight and Mid Upper Arm Circumference
13. Nutritional deficiency diseases: (Malnutrition, Night blindness, Rickets , Scurvy,
Anemia, Goiter
14. Food adulteration, food additives and food fortification
15. Method and media of health education
16. Communication: Elements, barriers and techniques of communication
17. Supervision, monitoring and evaluation
18. Logistic management and store management
19. Cooperative and health
20. Health provisions in current periodic plan of Bagmati Province
21. Tourism and Health
F) English: Knowledge on writing correct English sentence, letter, and report according to
English grammar based on the following syntactic functions:
a. Parts of Speech:
i. Noun
ii. Pronoun
iii. Adjective
iv. Determiner
v. Verb
vi. Adverb
vii. Preposition
viii. Conjunction and
ix. Interjection
b. Infinitive and gerund, reported speech and tense