Kanchan Rural Municipality Vacancy
Kanchan Rural Municipality has announces vacancy at IT Officer, Sub-Engineer, Surveyor, AMIN, Data Compiler, Data Entry Operator, Social Mobilizer and Office Helper.
Vacancy Details here

Types of Exams: Short List , Skill Test and Interview.
Age: Completed 18 years and under 35 years. In the case of women under 40 years of age.
Place to submit application: Kanchan Village Municipality, Village Executive Office, Kanchan-2, Rupandehi.
Application deadline: 2077/08/21
Place of application: Kanchan Village Municipality, Village Executive Office, Kanchan-2, Rupandehi. It can also be downloaded from the village municipality’s website: www.kanchanmun.gov.np.
Documents to be submitted with the application: Self-certified as per details.
A) Copy of Nepali citizenship certificate
B) Copy of minimum qualification certificate
C) Copy of character certificate
D) Experience opening documents
E) 3 passport size photos
Service facility: As per the rules of Kanchan village municipality.
Minimum educational qualification required:
A) IT Officer:- Bachelor in Computer Science or major in Computer Science 3 year Bachelor or Bachelor of Science (Physical) at least 9 months diploma in System Analysis Design and Software Development from an approved institution.
B) Sub-Engineer, Assistant Fifth: – Passed certificate level or equivalent in Civil Engineer subject from recognized educational institution.
C) Surveyor, Assistant Fifth: – SLC / SEE for Mathematics from a recognized educational institution. Passed Diploma in Survey or Geometry like three year proficiency certificate or Science (Physical group) or Geography subject
Passed the certificate level and received at least one year of junior surveying training.
D) Amin, Assistant Fourth: – Passed SLC / SEE or equivalent in Mathematics from a recognized educational institution and received at least 1 (one) year training in Survey or Geometry.
E) Data Compiler, Assistant IV: – Passed Proficiency Certificate level or equivalent with Mathematics or Statistics from a recognized educational institution or SLC / SEE or similar with elective Mathematics subject in the relevant field.
Gained months of experience.
F) Data Entrant, Assistant IV: – SLC / S.E.E. from a recognized educational institution for computer subject. Or SLC / S.E.E. from a similarly recognized or recognized educational institution or at least 3 months of computer training from a registered institution or SLC / S.E.E from a recognized educational institution. Or have passed 3 months computer training for Semi Skilled Man Power from the Ministry of Science and Technology.