Lower Secondary Level Teaching License Vacancy 2081: Nimna Madhyamik Teaching Liscence
The Teacher Service Commission of Nepal has announced a competitive examination for the Lower Secondary Level Teaching License. Interested candidates can apply online from 2081/05/31 to 2081/06/29. Find more details and application instructions on the TSC website.
As per the decision of this Commission dated 2081/05/26, it is necessary to advertise for the competitive examination for the Lower Secondary Level Teaching License. Therefore, interested candidates with minimum qualifications are invited to apply from 2081/05/31. Candidates must fill out the online application form prescribed by the Commission and submit it along with all necessary documents (citizenship certificate, recent passport-sized photo, signature sample, minimum qualification marksheet, and training certificate) by 12:00 AM on 2081/06/29 for single fee and by 12:00 AM on 2081/07/06 for double fee through the Commission’s online application system https://license.tsc.gov.np/
. No action will be taken on applications that are not submitted within the deadline or are not submitted in a proper manner. The candidate will be solely responsible if they submit false information in the online application form. Detailed information regarding the notice and advertisement can be obtained from the website tsc.gov.np.
Lower Secondary Level Teaching License Vacancy : Nimna Madhyamik Teaching Liscence