Armed Police Force , APF Vacancy

Government of Nepal, Ministry of Home Affairs, Armed Police Force (APF) Nepal, Human Resource Department today publishes vacancies for 1833 Police Constables. These vacant posts will be fulfilled by Open Competition. Interested and eligible Nepali citizen can apply affixing the stamps of Rs. 10.
Application form submission deadline notice

Application form submission deadline:
- Mangsir 7, 2077

APF Vacancy 2077 Details PDF
Nepal APF Vacancy Qualification
Eligibility to be appointed:
Minimum qualification required
Armed Police Jawan
(1) Passed at least 8th class,
(2) At least five feet two inches for men and less than one year for women.
At least five feet tall,
(3) In the case of men, the chest should be at least 30 inches when not inflated and 32 inches when inflated (not for women),
(4) The eye is not weaker than minus 2 or plus 2,
(5) At least 50 kg for men. And at least for women
42 kg Being weighed.
(6) Obtained certificate of Nepali citizenship
(7) of health from an approved doctor specified by the head office
Certificate received, (to be conducted during the examination)
(8) In addition to the educational institution he studied and two other relatives, he received a recommendation of good character from the Gazetted Officer of the Government of Nepal.
(9) Punishment by a court on a criminal charge of moral turpitude
Not found
(10) Not being a member of a political party at the time of application,
(11) Not being a member of a terrorist organization,
(12) Not to be dismissed for disqualification for future government service.
(13) Punishment for violation of human rights and humanitarian law
Not found
(14) Not convicted of espionage against Nepal.
RFees: 1. Armed police youth
Rs. 150.- (One Hundred and Fifty Rupees) has to be paid while submitting the fee application. Also, when submitting the application form for the inclusive side, 20% (Rs. 30) of the per group examination fee for additional group will have to be paid. The following documents mentioned in the advertisement along with the application must be certified and submitted by the candidate himself.
(A) Copy of Nepali Citizenship Certificate – One (1) copy.
(B) Five (5) copies of recent passport size photograph with both ears.
(C) 1/1 copy of the certificate of minimum educational qualification obtained by him. (Ordinary group, towards general subgroup
For the post of Armed Police Jawan, the certificate of passing class eight must be submitted. (D) A copy of the certificate certified as Adivasi Janajati from Nepal Adivasi Janajati Rashtriya Utthan Pratisthan for Adivasi Janajati – one (1) copy. However, if there is more than one surname within the caste listed in the Nepal Adivasi / Janajati National Upliftment Foundation Act, on the recommendation of the head of the concerned local body, a copy of the certificate of surname within the caste listed by the Chief District Officer – one (1) copy.
(E) For Madhesis, the Government of Nepal has published a notice in the Nepal Gazette and certified as Madhesi by the prescribed organization
Copy of one (1) copy of the certificate certified as Madhesi by the Chief District Officer on the recommendation of the head of the concerned local body specified by the corporation by publishing the information in the Nepal Gazette.