Manakamana Smart Laghubitta IPO Results :- Check
The IPO Result IPO Allotment of Manakamana Smart Laghubitta Bittiya Sanstha Limited is going to be held on 28th Ashad,2078 (9:30 AM) at the office of Issue Manager NMB Capital.

The company had issued 3,89,000 units of ordinary shares worth Rs. 3.89 crores to the general public from Ashad 17 to Ashad 21.
Out of the total issue, the employees of the company will receive 6058 unit shares while the mutual fund schemes are allotted 19,450 unit shares.
According to CDSC, 20,36,245 applicants have applied for a total of 2,65,74,050 units. the issue is oversubscribed more than 73 times.
Accordingly, more than 98.10 percent will not get shares.
Manakamana Smart Laghubitta IPO Result check Process.
How to check Manakamana Smart Laghubitta IPO Results?
You can see the ipo results of Manakamana Smart Laghubitta shortly after the IPO allotment program. You can see the result of Manakamana Smart Laghubitta at Mero share CDSC IPO results site After result published following the simple steps, you can see the results of Manakamana Smart Laghubitta. 98 percent of those who have filled the IPO will not get shares. The remaining 2 percent lucky will get shares of Manakamana Smart Laghubitta. If you are also invest the ipo shares of Manakamana Smart Laghubitta easily follow the simple steps given below and see the results.
Step 1 :- Log on
Step 2:- Select company, Manakamana Smart Laghubitta
Step 3:- Enter your Dmat Number or BOID
Step 4: Next Click on view Result & after that you can see your Manakamana Smart Laghubitta.
Next Process :- NMB Capital Manakamana Smart Laghubitta IPO Results
How to check Manakamana Smart Laghubitta ipo results on sales issue manager website NMB Capital ?
Next Process: Investor also can check Manakamana Smart Laghubitta ipo results on ipo issue manager website NMB Capital
Step 1:- Log on NMB Capital ipo Results
Step 2 :- Enter your First & Last Name
Step 3 :- Enter your Boid Number
Step 4 :- After enter your boid number you can submit and view your Manakamana Smart Laghubitta allotment status.
Manakamana Smart Laghubitta Official Website :-