
Rastriya Anusandhan sahayk suchak Vacancy 2080/81 : Anusandhan bibhag Vacancy

Rastriya Anusandhan Bibhag (National Investigation Department) has announced vacancies for the position of Sahayak Suchak (Investigation Assistant). The positions are open to Nepali citizens who meet the required qualifications.


  • Minimum educational qualification: SLC (Secondary Level Certificate) or equivalent
  • Must be a Nepali citizen
  • Age: 18-35 years as of the last date for submitting applications
  • Good physical and mental health
  • Must be able to read, write and speak Nepali fluently
  • Must have a clean criminal record

How to Apply:

Interested candidates can submit their applications along with the required documents to the Rastriya Anusandhan Bibhag, Headquarters, Barafbagh, Kathmandu by the deadline.


The last date for submitting applications is 2081/03/15

For more information:

Please visit the Rastriya Anusandhan Bibhag website or contact the following address:

Rastriya Anusandhan sahayk suchak Vacancy 2080/81 : Anusandhan bibhag Vacancy

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