Pradesh 1 Loksewa aayog Exam Center : Pradesh Loksewa aayog
Pradesh 1 loksewa has today publishes the examination center of Technical post fourth and fifth level exam center.
you can check your examination center of 4th and 5th level in pradesh loksewa website : Check here

1. Advertisement No. 01-02-2078-079 Agriculture Service, Agricultural Extension Group, 4th Level, Deputy Technical Assistant DOWNLOAD
2. Advertisement No. 03-4-2078-079 Agricultural Service, Veterinary Group, 4th Level, DOWNLOAD
3. Advertisement No. 05-6-2078-079 Agriculture Service, Lapode Group, 4th Level DOWNLOAD
4. Advertisement No. 07-2078-079 Agricultural Services, Crop Protection Group, 4th Level DOWNLOAD
5. Advertisement No. 08-09-2078-079 Agricultural Services, Agronomy Group, 4th Level DOWNLOAD