Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock Development Vacancy Announcement for Field Technician
Vacancy Announcement for Field Technician

First Date of Publication: 2077.07.14
Government of Nepal Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock Development Agriculture Sector Development Programme (ASDP)
Frontline Consult Private Limited (FroxJob) announces the vacancy of Agriculture Technicians for Agriculture SectorDevelopment Programme (ASDP), an undertaking of the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock Development with themajor financial support of the International Fund for Agricultural Development (FAD). The programme is inimplementation through the fiscal year 2018/19. The duration of the Programme is six years. The overall goal of theASDP is to contribute to the achievement of Nepal’s Sustainable Development Goals: SDG-1 (No Poverty) andSDG-2 (Zero Hunger) targets by reducing poverty and nutrition insecurity amongst women and men in hill andmountain areas of the Karnali Province. The purpose of the ASDP is to contribute to the achievement of Nepal’s SDG8 (Decent Work and Economic Growth) target through sustainable improvement in the income and food security ofsmallholders and disadvantaged rural groups (Dalits, Janajatis, Muslims, Youth, Landless and other disadvantagedgroups) involved in market-oriented production and marketing systems in selected high value agricultural valuechains. The programme is being implemented along the main road-corridors through PCUs located each at Salyan,Jajarkot & Jumla and PCO located at Surkhet. FroxJob hereby invites applications from potential and qualifiedNepalese citizens for the following job position as per the following minimum requirements of qualification and experiences:
Required Number: 60 (Sixty)
1. Agriculture Technician(Surkhet Corridor-20, Salyan Corridor-18, Jajarkot Corridor-12 & Jumla Corridor-10)
Duty Station: Various production Clusters under Palikas (Municipalities and Rural Municipalities) in ASDPdistricts. (ASDP holds the full authority to revise the number of Agri. Technicians required for corridors and theirmobilization after recruitment.) General scope of the position:The Agriculture Technician (SM) is responsible forthe implementation of ASDP field activities under the direct supervision of Field Agriculture Officer. Therefore,scope of works includes field level implementation, data collection, extension, support for documentation, fieldlevel monitoring of activities including technical assistance to farmers.Academic Qualifications and Work Experience: Diploma in Agriculture/Veterinary Science with one yearof proven experience or JTA course in Agriculture/eterinary Science with three years of proven experience. Workexperience needs to be proven by salary pay-roll, if required.Age limit: The upper age limit for the position at the last date of submission of application will be 45 years (theapplicant needs to submit a copy of certificate which certifies the date of birth)Contract: There will be initial contract for one year with a probation period of six months. The annual contractwill be extendable up to the programme period based on satisfactory performance in the preceding contract.Salary and benefits: will be as per the approved guidelines of the ASDP.Preferences: will be given towomen candidate; candidates from disadvantaged groups(Dalit, Indigenous/Janjati, Madheshi, Muslim); candidates from ASDP districts.Detail ToR can be downloaded from ASDP website or The applicantsneed to submit Cover Letter, Curriculum Vitae (CV) and self-attested copies of required testimonials (AcademicCertificates, Experience Letter, Citizenship, Training Certificates compulsorily that verify the CV. The applicationshould be submitted within 15 days from the first date of publication of the Notice by 13th November, 2020(2077/07/28) 04:00 PM by mentioning applied job position in the subject lineto the Email: orby post to the address mentioned below.
Applicants need to apply for the said post fixing one working corridor, i.e.,Jumla/Jajarkot/Salyan/Surkhet. Applications received later than deadline (by any means) will not be entertained.Only Shortlisted candidates will be called for further process/es. All notices regarding the shortlisted candidates,written exam, interview and recommendation of candidates will be published on and Canvassing at any stage of the selection process shall lead to automatic disqualification. No telephone inquiries will be entertained.