Kharidar Online Exam Set-2

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Deep stick test is related to which field – medical
What are the Indian ports used in Nepal? – Calcutta and Mumbai
Where does Ajmeru Durbar belong? – Dadeldhura
From which country did the Renaissance movement in Europe originate? – Italy
Who was Gautama Buddha’s first Guru? -Alarkalam
The Jagat Narayan Temple of Shankhamool is an example of which style?Shikhar style
When did the publication of The Rising Nepal start? —- 2022 Poush 1
How many other countries is Nepal to sign CTBT comprehensive nuclear test ban treaty?- 16th
What percentage of the population is 60 years of age or older according to National Census 2068? -8.13%
Heidelberg printing machine was invented by which country?. ==== Germany