IPO Result of Samaj Laghubitta Bittiya Sanstha Limited | Samaj Laghubitta Bittiya Sanstha Limited
The IPO issued by Samaj Laghubitta Bittiya Sanstha Limited to the public has been allotted today at the office of Siddhartha Capital.
How to check samaj laghubitta bittiya sanstha Limited IPO Result ?
- Mero Share
You Can Check your IPO Result through Mero share Website.
.Go Meroshare.cdsc.com.np
. Go to Your Dashboard MY Asba Application Report
.Click Samaj laghubitta Report & check Your Result.
Share sansar Website :- Sharesansar

Mero lagani Website :- Merolagani
Bizpati :- Bizpati/ipo/results
Nepali Paisa : Nepalipaisa.com/IPO-Result.aspx
The issue had received applications from 547,370 applicants who had applied for a total of 11,464,920 units. .The issue was oversubscribed by more than 148.56 times. . Out of them, 539,300 applicants were left empty-handed.
Samaj Laghubitta had issued 86,000 ordinary shares with a face value of Rs 100 per share from (Bhadra 4-8, 2077).
Out of this, microfinance had allotted 1,000 shares, i.e. 5 percent of the issued capital, to the employees and 5 percent of the total issue, i.e. 4,300 shares, to the collective investment fund. Applications were invited from the general public for the remaining 80,700 units. The issue had oversubscribed by 148.56 times.
a total of 8,070 people were allotted 10 units each via lottery, and the remaining 539,300 applicants were returned empty hands.