Exam Schedule: 4Yrs B.A., B.Ed., B.B.S.& B.Sc. 1st Year- (Regular-2079,Partial-2078)
Tribhuvan University, Office of Controller of Examination, Balkhu, has published a notice regarding the exam schedule for both 4 years BA, BBS, B.Sc & B.Ed first Year- examination 2079 in both regular and partial side.
Date | Subjects Code No. |
2079 11 01 | General En lish En Ed. -411 |
2079/11/02 | Compulsory Nepali(Nep.Ed.)-401 |
2079/11/03 | Philosophical & Sociological Foundation of Education Ed.-412 |
2079/11/04 | Major Subjects (Specialization)-416,Eng.Ed./Nep.Ed./Math.Ed. /Sc.Ed.(Chemistry-1)Hp.Ed./Pop.Ed./Geo.Ed./Hist.Ed./Eco.Ed./ Pol.Sc.Ed./Ed.Pm./So.std.-416 |
2079/11/05 | Major Subjects(Specialization)-417 Eng.Ed./Nep.Ed./Math Hist.Ed. Eco.Ed. Poi.Sc.Ed. Ed.Pm. So.Std.-417 |
2079/11/08 | Minor Subjects(Specialization-418) Eng.Ed./Nep.Ed./Math.Ed./Sc.Ed.(Animal Sc.-418)/Hp.Ed./Pop.Ed. /Geo.Ed./Hist.Ed./Eco.Ed./P01.Sc.Ed./Ed.Pm. |
2079 11 10 | Eco.Ed. P.Ed.-419,Sc.Ed. Plant Science-418 |
Exam Schedule: 4Yrs B.A., B.Ed., B.B.S.& B.Sc. 1st Year(Regular-2079,Partia1-2078
4 Yrs B.A.1st Year
Date | Subjects/Code No. |
2079 11 01 | Com .En lish-401 |
2079 11 02 | Geo ra h Buddhist Studies Lin uistics Histo Culture-421 |
2079/11/03 | Music/Psychology/Journalism and Mass Communication/Dance/Pop.Studies /Rural Development/Flium Studies/Economics-421 |
2079/11/04 | English/Nepali/Hindi/Nepal Bhasha/Maithili/Sanskriti-421 |
2079 11 05 | Anthro ology/Philoso hy/Sociology/Social Work-422 |
2079/11/08 | Music/Psychology/Journalism and MassCommunication/Dance/Pop.Studies/ Rural Development/Flim Studies/Economics.-422 |
2079/11/10 | Geography/Buddhist Studies/Linguistics/History/Culture-422 |
2079 11 11 | Mathmatics Home Sc. Polotical Sc.-421 |
2079 11 12 | En lish Ne ali Hindi Ne al Bhasha Maithili Sanskrit-422 |
2079 11 14 | Anthro 010 Philoso h Sociolo Social Work-422 |
2079 11 15 | Mathematics Home Sc. Political Sc. -422 |
4 Yrs B.B.S.1st Year
Date | Sub•ects Code No. | |
2079 11 | 01 | Financial Acc.& Anal sis Accountin for Fin. Anal sis MGT.-211 |
2079 11 | 03 | Business En lish MGT.-201 |
2079 11 | 05 | Micro Eco.For Business MGT.-207 Micro Eco.-203 |
2079 11 | 08 | Princi al of Mana ement MGT.-213 |
2079 11 | 10 | Business Statitics MGT.-202 |
4 Yrs B.Sc.1st Year
Date | Sub•ects Code No. | ||
2079 11 | 01 | Scientific Communication-101 | |
2079 11 | 03 | Chemist Statistics-101 | |
2079 11 | 05 | Geolo Envirnoment Sc. Meteorolo | -101 |
2079 11 | 08 | Ph sics Microbiolo -101 | |
2079 11 | 10 | Mathematics Zoolo -101 | |
2079 11 | 12 | Mathematics-102 Botan -101 |