CEDB Hydropower IPO Result
The IPO allotment of CEDB Hydropower is concluded today. As per the information given by the sales manager Sunrise Capital, the IPO of the company has been distributed at the office of Sunrise Capital at 11:00 am.
CEDB Hydropower had issued 25,18,230 unit shares in IPO to the general public from Baisakh 17-21, 2078.
Of the total offered units, 2 percent or 50,365 shares units of shares have been set aside for the employees of the company while another 5 percent or 1,25 911 has been set aside for mutual funds. The remaining 23,41,954 units were offered to the general public.
How to check IPO allotment status of CEDB Hydropower ?
First Process :- How to check cedb hydropower ipo results?
You can view the cedb hydropower ipo results by entering your 16 digit Dmat number on CDSC’s website https://iporesult.cdsc.com.np/
Step 1:- Log on :- CDSC Website https://iporesult.cdsc.com.np/
Step 2:- Select company CEDB Hydropower
Step 3 :- Enter Your 16 Number BOID & Click the View buttons
Second Process:- Sunrise Capital IPO Results
Step 1: Go to the website of Sunrise Capital https://www.sunrisecapital.com.np/IPO
Step 2 :- Select Company
Step 3 :- Enter Your Dmat Number
Third Process:- CEDB Hydropower Website