BEd 4th year exam routine 2077
Exam Schedule: B.Ed 4th.Year 2077:- Tribhuvan University Office of the Controller of Examination Balkhu today publishes the examination schedule of Four Years Bachelor of Bachelor of Education (B.Ed) for the 2077.
4 Year’s B. Ed. IV Year
Date | Subjects/Code No. |
2077/08/28 | Compulsory Subjects / Code No. Ed. 442 (Classroom Instruction) / Ed.443 ICT in Edu./ Hist.Ed.444(ICT in Hist.Edu.)/ Math. Ed.444(ICT in Math.Edu.) / Sc. Ed.444(ICT in Science Edu.) |
2077/08/30 | Major Subjects/ Code No. 445 Nep. Ed. (अनुसन्धान विधि _ / Eng. Ed.( Research Methodology in Eng. Edu.)/ Math. Ed. (Linear Algebra & Vector Analysis) / Sc. Ed. (Chemistry IV) / HP. Ed. (School Health Program & Community Health Survey)/ Pop. Ed. (Fundamentals of Ageing)/ Geo. Ed. (Geo. Of Environment, Hazard & Disaster Mgmt.)/ Eco. Ed. (Managerial Eco. & Research in Eco.Edu.) / Hist. Ed. (Dawn of Democracy in Nepal (1950 to 2006) Pol. Sc. Ed. (Human Rights & Social Justice) /Ed. PM.(School Mgmt. Practices) |
2077/09/02 | Major Subjects CodeNo.446 Nep. Ed. (व्यवहारिक लेखन तथा सम्पादन ) / Eng. Ed.(Literature for Language Development )/ Math. Ed. (Adv. Calculus)/ Sc. Ed.(Physics IV) / HP. Ed. (Sports Training in Physical Edu.)/ Pop. Ed. (Project Work &Seminar on Pop.Edu.)/ Geo. Ed. (Geographic Techniques) / Eco. Ed. (Population Economics) / Hist. Ed. Research Methodology in Hist.& Hist. Writing / Pol. Sc. Ed. (Election Politics in Nepal) / Ed. PM. (Social Justice Edu.) |
2077/09/04 | Minor Subjects CodeNo.449 Nep. Ed. (व्यवहारिक लेखन तथा सम्पादन ) / Eng. Ed. (Literature for Language Development ) / Math. Ed. (Algebra) / Sc. Ed. (Animal Science IV)/ P. Ed. (Sports Training in Physical Edu.)/ Pop. Ed. (Project Work & Seminar on Pop.Edu.)/ Geo. Ed. (Geo. of Environment Hazard & Disaster Mgmt.) / Eco. Ed. (Population Economics) / Pol. Sc. Ed.(Election Politics of Nepal) / Ed.PM (School Mgmt. Practices) |
2077/09/06 | Minor Subjects /Code No. 448 Sc. Ed. (Plant Science IV) / H. Ed. (School Health Program & Community Health Survey) |