4 Years B.Sc., B.B.S. & B.Ed. 4th. Year Exam Routine 2078
Tribhuvan University (TU), Office of the Controller of Examinations has published the examination routine for the fourth year Bachelor of Science (B.Sc), Bachelor of Business Studies (BBS) and Bachelor of Education (B.Ed) to be held in 2078 BS.
Check here : Tuexam.edu.np

4 Year’s B. Sc. IV Year
Date | Subjects/Code No. |
2078/10/05 | Code No. 408; Computational Course |
2078/10/07 | Code No. 401; Bot.\ Chem.\Env. Sc.\Geology\ Meteorology\ Math.\ Microbiology\ Physics\ Stat.\ Zoology |
2078/10/09 | Code No. 404; Mathematics |
2078/10/11 | Code No. 403 ; Bot./Chem/Env.Sc./Geology/Metrology/Math./Microbiology/Physics/StatÖZoology. |
2078/10/13 | Code No.405; Bot.\ Chem.\Env. Sc.\Geology\ Meteorology\ Math.\ Microbiology\ Physics\ Stat.\ Zoology |
2078/10/14 | Code No. 407; Bot.\ Chem.\Env. Sc.\Geology\ Meteorology\ Math.\ Microbiology\ Physics\ Stat.\ Zoology |
2078/10/16 | Code No. 402; Mathematics, |
2078/10/17 | Code No. 408; Math -Mathematical Economics_ Code No. 409 ; – Math -Mathematical Modeling_ |
4 Year”s B. B. S. IV Year
Date | Subjects/Code No. |
2078/09/20 | ACC-250 Accounting for Banking\ FIN- 250 Fundamentals of Corporate Finance \MKT- 250 Fundamentals of Selling\MGT- 250. Entrepreneurship and Small Business Management |
2078/09/22 | MGT-220 Entrepreneurship and Enterprise Development |
2078/09/25 | ACC-251Accounting for Business\ FIN- 251 Commercial Bank Management \MKT -251 Customer Relationship Management \MGT- 251 International Business |
2078/09/27 | MGT-221 Business Research Methods |
2078/09/29 | ACC-252Advanced Financial Accounting \ FIN- 252 Foundations of Financial Institutions and Market \MKT 252 Foreign Trade and Export Management in Nepal \MGT- 252 Management of Industrial Relations |
2078/10Ö02 | ACC-253Advanced Auditing\ FIN -253. Fundamentals of Investment \MKT -253 Fundamentals of Advertising \MGT- 253 Productivity Management |
2078/10/04 | ACC-254 Budgeting and Controlling of Profit\ FIN- 254 Insurance and Risk Management \MKT- 254 Fundamentals of Services Marketing \MGT -254 Quality Management |
4 Year”s B. Ed. IV Year
Date | Subjects/Code No. |
2078/09/21 | Compulsory Subjects ( Code No. Ed.442) (Classroom Instruction) / Ed.443 ICT in Edu. / Hist.Ed.444 (ICT in Hist.Edu.)/ Math. Ed.444 (ICT in Math.Edu. ) / Sc. Ed.444 (ICT in Science Edu.) |
2078/09/23 | Major Subjects ( Code No. 445) Nep. Ed. (cg’;Gwfg ljlw_ / Eng. Ed.( Research Methodology in Eng. Edu.)/ Math. Ed. (Linear Algebra & Vector Analysis)/ Sc. Ed. (Chemistry IV) / HP. Ed. (School Health Program & Community Health Survey)/ Pop. Ed. (Fundamentals of Ageing)/ Geo. Ed. (Geo. of Environment, Hazard & Disaster Mgmt.)/ Eco. Ed. (Managerial Eco. & Research in Eco.Edu.) / Hist. Ed. (Dawn of Democracy in Nepal (1950 to 2006) Pol. Sc. Ed. (Human rights & Social Justice) / Ed. PM. (School Mgmt. Practices) |
2078/09/26 | Major Subjects (Code No.446 ) Nep. Ed. (Jojxfl/s n]vg tyf ;Dkfbg _ / Eng. Ed.(Literature for Language Development )/ Math. Ed. (Adv. Calculus)/ Sc. Ed. (Physics IV) / HP. Ed. (Sports Training in Physical Edu.)/ Pop. Ed. (Project Work & Seminar on Pop.Edu.)/ Geo. Ed. (Geographic Techniques) / Eco. Ed. (Population Economics) / Hist. Ed. Research Methodology in Hist.& Hist. Writing / Pol. Sc. Ed. (Election Politics in Nepal) / Ed. PM. (Social Justice Edu.) |
2078/09/28 | Minor Subjects (Code No.449) Nep. Ed. ( Jojxfl/s n]vg tyf ;Dkfbg _ / Eng. Ed. (Literature for Language Development ) / Math. Ed. (Algebra) / Sc. Ed. (Animal Science IV)/ P. Ed. (Sports Training in Physical Edu.)/ Pop. Ed. (Project Work & Seminar on Pop.Edu.)/ Geo. Ed. (Geo. of Environment Hazard & Disaster Mgmt.) / Eco. Ed. (Population Economics) / Pol. Sc. Ed. (Election Politics of Nepal) / Ed.PM (School Mgmt. Practices) |
2078/09/30 | Minor Subjects (Code No. 448) Sc. Ed. (Plant Science IV) / H. Ed. (School Health Program & Community Health Survey) |