
Koshi Pradesh Loksewa Aayog 4th Level Syllabus 2081 (Updated)

The Koshi Pradesh Loksewa Aayog has released an updated syllabus for various technical and non-technical posts under the 4th and 3rd levels. This update is aimed at ensuring that the examination process aligns with the current requirements and standards of the provincial government. The revised syllabus covers a wide range of positions, including engineering, healthcare, forestry, agriculture, and administrative services.

Candidates preparing for the upcoming examinations can now access the updated syllabus on the official website of the Koshi Pradesh Loksewa Aayog. The commission has also provided detailed information about the designated posts, including service groups, subgroups, and levels.

How to Access the Syllabus:

Candidates can download the updated syllabus for each post from the official website of the Koshi Pradesh Loksewa Aayog. The syllabus is available in PDF format, making it easy for applicants to access and prepare for the examinations.

Koshi Pradesh Loksewa Aayog 4th Level Syllabus

1Engineering ServicesAssistant FourthAgri Irrigation EngineeringAssociation OrganizerThursday, Magh 24, 2081download
2HealthcareAssistant FourthMedical Lab TechnologyGeneral Lab TechnologyLab technicianThursday, Magh 24, 2081Download Syllabus Here
3HealthcareAssistant FourthAyurvedaGeneral AyurvedaBaidhThursday, Magh 24, 2081Download Syllabus Here
4HealthcareAssistant FourthNursingMidwifery NursingA.N.M.Thursday, Magh 24, 2081Download Syllabus Here
5HealthcareAssistant FourthheyAhab or something like thatThursday, Magh 24, 2081Download Syllabus Here
6Forest ServiceAssistant FourthGeneral ForestryForesterThursday, Magh 24, 2081Download Syllabus Here
7Administration servicesAssistant FourthMiscellaneousAssistant Women Development InspectorThursday, Magh 24, 2081Download Syllabus Here
8Administration servicesAssistant FourthGeneral Administration/AccountingBuyer or something similarThursday, Magh 24, 2081Download Syllabus Here
9Agricultural ServicesAssistant FourthVeterinary/La.Po. & De.De. /FisheriesThursday, Magh 24, 2081Download Syllabus Here
10Agricultural ServicesAssistant FourthAgri. Eco. & Marketing, Agricultural Extension, Horticulture, Crop Protection, Crop Development and Soil ScienceDeputy Technical AssistantThursday, Magh 24, 2081Download Syllabus Here
11Engineering ServicesAssistant FourthSurveyAminThursday, Magh 24, 2081Download Syllabus Here
12Engineering ServicesAssistant FourthMechanical EngineeringGeneral Mechanical EngineeringJunior ForemanThursday, Magh 24, 2081Download Syllabus Here
13Engineering ServicesAssistant FourthCivilAsst. Sub-EngineerThursday, Magh 24, 2081Download Syllabus Here
14Engineering ServicesAssistant FourthCivilSanitaryKhapasateThursday, Magh 24, 2081Download Syllabus Here
15Forest ServiceAssistant ThirdGeneral ForestryAssistant level thirdForest Guard29 Paush 2081, Monday
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