Exam Schedule for MBS, MPA, MBA-E, MBM, MHM and MTTM program (Even Semester)
Exam Schedule for MBS, MPA, MBA-E, MBM, MHM and MTTM program (Even Semester) with guidelines under FOM TU Kirtipur
Exam Schedule with Procedure0001
In the Master of Business Studies (MBS) program conducted in semester system from the office of the Dean, Faculty of Management, Tribhuvan University, regular candidates who were admitted in the first session in 2074 BS (2018 BS) and those who failed or partially failed the fourth session examination before 2018 BS. Regular examinations of the second semester 2076 (2019) in the same program and regular candidates who were admitted in the first session in the year 2075 (2019) and those who failed in the second session before 2019 by filling up the form of the second session or partial candidates who were absent. The examination schedule has been published for the information of all concerned as the examination of the remaining subjects postponed due to the global epidemic Covid-19 will be conducted as follows.
Exam time: 1:00 to 3:00 p.m. (two hours)