Bagmati Province Vacancy for IT Officer
(First published date: 2077/06.30)
Applications are invited to this office within 21 days from the date of publication of this information by qualified Nepali citizens for the post of Information Technology Officer of Tapas Bamejim working in this office and its subordinate bodies.
Details: – Post: Information Technology Officer (IT Officer), Officer Level 7, Demand Post Number: 7 (Seven)

Minimum Educational Qualification: Bachelor’s degree in Computer Engineering BE in Electronics and Communication Engineering BE in Electrical and Electronics Engineering, BIT, BIM, BCA, BEIT, BSc.IT, BSc.CSIT or Similarly, if there is higher educational qualification in the related subject, it can also be submitted.
Work Experience: At least one (1) year in the relevant field after obtaining minimum educational qualification (appointment letter and work experience documents should be submitted)
Training: If you have received training in the field related to computer networking programming / webpage designing / system administration / database system from a recognized organization by the Government of Nepal, you will have to submit the certificate and if you have passed the professional examination of the international organization related to these subjects.
Types of examinations: On the basis of educational qualifications, work experience, training marks and interview. Documents to be submitted: Personal details as per application form, Certificate of Citizenship, S.L.C. Or similar and above educational qualification certificate (certificate only if it is from outside Nepal, certificate equivalence from the concerned bodies), certificate of character, certificate of training and work experience and other documents.
Job Description (TOR): Download from the website of this office Service facility: Monthly salary equal to the starting salary scale of officer level 7th level (tax deductible as per rules) Application Form: Download from the website of this office and submit along with other documents.
Age: Completed 18 years and under 35 years. For other information contact numbers: 057-52385, 9845538345, 9851166362, Note: Interested candidates should receive personal details, citizenship certificate, proof of educational qualification and other documents, work experience certificates and other documents within the specified date. Email (ocmem.p3 or apply in person at the office. No action will be taken on the application received for expiration. After the publication of short list of those who have applied, information will be given by phone / email / message for interview.
Candidate Selection Committee Office of the Chief Minister and Council of Ministers
Bagmati Pradesh, Hetauda